2012년 1월 10일 화요일

An ode

Dear annoying orange
hello annoying orange. I really enjoyed your videos. It was really fun.I really like you.because you makes me laugh. you are really famous.I didn't know you existed. at first. I don't liked you. I don't think you're that funny. but my friend show me your video. my friend said that you are really funny. I couldn't agree with my friend. because I think you were boring. but I was wrong. after I see your video, I became a fan of you.the most fun part of your video was when you say "hey _____(apple, pineapple...) knife"! and the fruits die. they smash into pieces. and the most fun video was when you were a orange potter (harry potter) and pear was pear weasly (Ron weasly) and kiwi was kiwi granger (hermiony granger). the names were all funny. and dumbledore was Lemon dore and vordmort was moldy warts. It was really funny. especially when you use the magic applecadabra. It was originally avadacadabra. but you changed it because you were orange potter. not harry potter.and then you distroy moldy warts. and during your video, I get little bit annoyed by you. because you makes other fruits annoying by repeating them. and when you say to other foods( ex: apple, pineapple, marshmellow) to be careful, after that they all die in horrible screaming. and get eaten by peoples. and in the end of every videos, you survive and other fruits or foods get eaten.anyway, I really enjoied your videos. I heard your movie is coming out on the theater. I am really exited. because your videos were fun and I think the movie is gonna be better. I will see your movie.

댓글 2개:

  1. You should capitalize the first letter of the sentence! Seems like there are many fans of annoying orange!

  2. I agree with DJ! You need to capitalize!!! Please!!! You write well, but if you don't capitalize people won't think your writing is serious. Little things go a long way!

    Nice work though. I'm sure you and The Orange would make good friends.;)
